  1. Soft Landing


Soft Landing © 2013 Steve Rapson

Did Ozymandias
Wonder as he fell
How far will I fall?
Am I on my way to hell?

Adam in the Garden
The Tower of Babel
Sodom and Gomorrah
Lost with all the rabble

Who pities the mighty who have fallen?

They pray for a soft landing
A soft landing
A soft landing
When they fall

Blogojevich and Swaggart
Bernie Madoff and Jim Bakker
Tyrants and their lackeys
All must meet their Maker

Do they pray, do they bargain
Offer explanation
For their demise
Of their own creation?

Who pities the mighty who have fallen?

They all want a soft landing
A soft landing
A soft landing
When they fall

That's what I want, if I should fall
Into despair, if I've lost it all

I want a soft landing
A soft landing
A soft landing
When I fall